Songbirds in Snow


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          About this item

          2016 47c Songbirds in Snow

          Value:  47c  1-Ounce First-class Rate (Forever)
          Issued: August 4, 2016
          First Day City:  Portland OR
          Type of Stamp:  First Class Mail
          Printed by:
            Ashton Potter
          Format: Pane of 20
          Quantity Printed:  600,000,000

          One of the best methods scientists use to learn about songbirds is bird banding. After going through special training, researchers capture wild birds and place a small aluminum band on their legs. Each band is inscribed with a different number unique to that bird. If another person later captures the same bird, they simply record the band number along with the bird’s other data. The researcher then sends the information to the North American Bird Banding Program. This agency is responsible for regulating bird banding and is run by the United States Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service.

          Bird banding is useful for determining how long different species live, how they are affected by environmental changes, what their migration patterns are, and much more. The North American Bird Banding Program collects and analyzes data annually. From 1960-2016, the United States alone has banded: 218,149 golden-crowned kinglets; 174,598 cedar waxwings; 490,531 northern cardinals; and 52,949 red-breasted nuthatches.

          North America is a paradise for many songbirds. Thanks to bird banding, scientists can keep track of each species and begin conservation efforts if populations decline. As long as this program is around songbirds and their unique melodies will be too.


          • legal Postage Stamps: These are 100% legal authorized First-Class Forever© USPS postage stamps which can mail letters, envelopes and others,One stamp is one ounce.*The slash over "Forever" in the image is to protect it from being used to produce counterfeit postage. Actual stamps will not have this.
          • Forever Stamps: These postage stamps are valid forever postage stamps that can be used at any time, you can send mails no more than 1 ounce.
          • Easy Use: With self-adhesive,convenient to use. Not only great for postcards, letters, mailing envelopes or collecting but also suitable for collectibles, birthday, weddings, parties, celebrations and so on.
          • Saving Your Time and Money: No need to waste your time and money on the way to the post office for stamps! Our postage stamps are very convenient and also with nice price!